Re: I'm free. ish.
Posted: May 22, 2008 2:14 PM
I also just decided to start my own company (doing a programming language). Working for a big business will generate nice monthly payments, but sometimes you feel like being in a treadmill. Also, you are contributing to something you don't own, you would do differently. Stupid ideas are forced down your throat. Either you get cynical, get a research fellow position or you have to quit. I am not feeling bad about those 2000-developer monsters; it is just nothing I will do until retirement. Regarding Free Speech, I guess one should be very careful about it. You can't just offend a big-biz manager; you may also offend potential customers (of your OWN business). Better use a pseudonymous account when you rant about something. If the authorities have legal reason to track you down, they will find a way to do it. Everybody else just does not have a business in knowing you, if you so choose. I am always amused by Larry Ellison making outrageous statements which pointlessly offend a lot of people. I think he has more luck than competence in Public Relations. I have some strong opinions on philosophy, religions, economics and technology, but I also realize that being “negative” makes you look like an a**h**e to many people. Try to communicate the advantages of your products and don't take the bait to bash something or (worse) somebody else. The features of your product and your business model will decide about your long-term success, not your marketing efforts. The programming language will be ready in a few months; I can't be more specific for now :-)