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I'm leaving my company and heading back out on my own and that means I can talk again.
After a little over 5 years I'm leaving my current employer. Where I'm working (for the next 6 or so weeks) has been and is a seriously great place to code for a living. I'd recommend it to anyone and indeed wouldn't even be leaving except for an offer-I-can't-refuse offer that unexpectedly fell in my lap. But that doesn't mean I don't have stories. And they might even be worth thinking about.
What this means then is that I'm free to talk again without worrying about offending a colleague with something I might say. Actually, that's not strictly true. I really don't want to offend anyone (though I probably will) so I guess it's more that I don't have to worry about writing something one day and having someone ask me the next if it was them I was talking about and then dealing with someone who passes for a manager here (NB: I mean this as a high compliment. More another time.) dealing with me.
So I'm free. ish.
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Rick Kitts has been making a living writing software for a little while. He's started a company or two, worked at bigger companies, but mostly at startups. Constantly on the look out for things to help him build better systems he's a bit of a tool and process slut, though he can't bring himself to try C# or get serious about UML. Go figure. He's convinced being invited to have a weblog on Artima is the result of some glitch in the matrix. He's keeping quiet about it though. |
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