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89 pages [ 1 ... 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ]
by Christopher Diggins, May 23, 2005,  8 comments
The C++ functional header provides a way to bind values to function arguments. Here is a way to bind functions to function arguments using a technique I'm calling meta-binders for lack of a better term.
by Frank Sommers, May 16, 2005,  23 comments
Wherein I recount my experience of using a thin client over a DSL.
by Christopher Diggins, May 15, 2005,  1 comment
Here is a method for for representing and computing rows and columns at compile-time, and to do matrix multiplication accordingly. (trickier than it might sound)
by Christopher Diggins, May 13, 2005,  1 comment
The boost::any type is a very important type in that it can hold any object which has a copy-constructor. However if you don't want to hold a copy of the value you can instead refer to the object using the ootl::any_ptr type.
by Jim Waldo, May 10, 2005,  22 comments
More on objects and networks, but this time I try to make my own opinions clear, if not coherent...
by Christopher Diggins, May 2, 2005,  11 comments
It is commonly recommended in C++ to publicly inherit from classes which have virtual destructors, to avoid possible memory leaks. Here I present a pointer class which allows us to polymorphically use a base class without requiring a virtual destructor.
by Matthew Wilson, April 30, 2005,  5 comments
Should individual human beings, and humanity's institutions, adopt the principles of contract programming, and use contract enforcement in their own functioning? Would that lead to a better world?
by Christopher Diggins, April 30, 2005,  11 comments
Assuring invariants can be a tricky endeavour in C++. Here are some techniques included a simple pointer class, which can help make life easier.
by Christopher Diggins, April 30, 2005,  35 comments
There is appears to be a school of thought that code coupling is to be avoided at all costs. This is a frustrating over-simplification.
by Christopher Diggins, April 27, 2005,  16 comments
At Matthew Wilson's behest, I have attempted to further explain my rationale behind separate extension classes, and contract verification classes. It turns out they fit very nicely in a design pattern which Matthew refers to as a bolt-in.
by Christopher Diggins, April 26, 2005,  15 comments
I am working on the OOTL collections library right now, and I am facing a design dilemma: is it better to use initializing constructors or to use two stage construction.
by John D. Mitchell, April 23, 2005,  22 comments
Why aren't we developing programming languages that work more like humans really work?
by John D. Mitchell, April 23, 2005,  Submit comment
Tailoring software for a great fit.
by John D. Mitchell, April 23, 2005,  1 comment
How important is the role that good design plays in communicating what matters?
by Matthew Wilson, April 22, 2005,  2 comments
The new programming language, D, may not be reaDy for its 1.0 release just yet, but it's harD not to be impresseD by how proDuctive one can be in it. Here's a little tale of toDay's activities, as a taster for the uninitiateD.
89 pages [ 1 ... 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 ]
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