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Artima Weblogs
Objects, Networks, and Making Things Work
A Weblog by Jim Waldo
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2 pages [ 1 2 ]
April 12, 2007,  6 comments
There is a raging debate about OSGi and Jini, yet again. Which isn't necessary or helpful. The two technologies are very different applications of similar design philosophies, and should not be seen as competitors.
October 24, 2006,  48 comments
For the first time since 1989, I'm attending OOPSLA. Some things have changed, others have not. Here are a couple of reflections...
May 15, 2006,  3 comments
After a long absence, I'm back. With some explanations about why I've been gone so long...
October 18, 2005,  34 comments
In which, against my better judgement, I try to figure out what everyone means when they talk about XML...
May 10, 2005,  22 comments
More on objects and networks, but this time I try to make my own opinions clear, if not coherent...
April 20, 2005,  23 comments
If object models are tied to languages, then there are some real implicatons to how we do distributed computing (and how we make objects persistent). If this is indeed the case, then why are we so stuck on language-independent systems?
April 17, 2005,  4 comments
Having realized that I didn't get the essence of blogging, I resolve to post with greater regularity and with less guilt. Heaven help us all...
December 22, 2004,  23 comments
I've been thinking about objects recently. One of the questions I've been thinking about is whether or not one can make sense of objects in a language-independent way. Herein are some reflections, and what may be the start of a series of posting on the subject...
November 1, 2004,  6 comments
Some reflections, not on the current election, but on the process of voting (and the electronic tallies thereof) on this, the eve of our doing it again...
October 6, 2004,  5 comments
Having had some experience in the recent past with the way intellectual property law is handled in the courts, I'm of the opinion that there must be a better way...
August 25, 2004,  Submit comment
No one likes to change. But if we continue to solve the same problems (in slightly different contexts) we will be replaces by others who view the problem differently. Or at least that will happen in the area of ubiquitous computing.
June 18, 2004,  8 comments
One of the most surpising things I've recently become aware of is how we as technologists are viewed by the non-technology public. We are assumed to be able to do the most remarkable things, which often lead to panic on the part of the general public and, worse yet, policy makers. We should do something about this, but I'm not quite sure what.
February 28, 2004,  17 comments
My take on the debate of whether typing is needed in a language. Rather than taking sides, I revert to my previous incarnation as a philosopher, and try to see what we are really talking about when we seem to be talking about types.
December 9, 2003,  34 comments
The classic essay on "worse is better" is either misunderstood or wrong. And in citing it in our design arguments, we short change both our customers and our craft. I revisit this essay, and reflect...
August 17, 2003,  1 comment
Some thoughts about knowing, learning, and software design, many of which were thought or written down while watching baseball.
2 pages [ 1 2 ]
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