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This page contains an archived post to the Jini Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
I find the concept of accessing Jini services using URLs somewhat alarming. In your proposal for a URLName entry, you suggest that "cyberspace aware" services need to special maintainance by the administrator of Jini lookup service (URL names need to be unique within a lookup service). Accessing Jini services needs to be automatic and manual intervention should be as required as infrequently as possible. I agree with your overall premise that *some* Jini services ought to be accessible using URLs - but - this ability should not affect the Jini infrastructure itself. Rather the URL to service binding should happen on top of Jini and not affect the system's dynamic nature. The link between URLs and Jini services should be completely decoupled from the Jini lookup. You do mention in your documentation that a cyberspace service should exist. I think that this service should be in charge of mataining a URL to service mapping. It could act as more "static" lookup service (I dont mean static in a bad way). Services are not discovered dynamically; they are discovered by direct URL reference. Hope this is useful... Laird
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