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This page contains an archived post to the Jini Forum made prior to February 25, 2002. If you wish to participate in discussions, please visit the new Artima Forums.
> I find the concept of accessing Jini services using URLs somewhat alarming. In your proposal for a URLName entry, you suggest that "cyberspace aware" services need to special maintainance by the administrator of Jini lookup service (URL names need to be unique within a lookup service). Accessing Jini services needs to be automatic and manual intervention should be as required as infrequently as possible. I agree with your overall premise that *some* Jini services ought to be accessible using URLs - but - this ability should not affect the Jini infrastructure itself. Rather the URL to service binding should happen on top of Jini and not affect the system's dynamic nature. > The link between URLs and Jini services should be completely decoupled from the Jini lookup. You do mention in your documentation that a cyberspace service should exist. I think that this service should be in charge of mataining a URL to service mapping. It could act as more "static" lookup service (I dont mean static in a bad way). Services are not discovered dynamically; they are discovered by direct URL reference. Thanks for your comments. The ability to access a Jini service I agree with you that a URL that points to a Jini lookup service On the other hand, what we've put in the Place API is an See http://www.artima.com/jini/cyberspace/index.html. bv
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