New features of the popular JUnit alternative include annotation transformers, an improved multiple-suite summary page report, several enhancements to TestNG Ant tasks, as well as improvements to the Eclipse plug-in.
TestNG is an increasingly popular alternative unit testing framework. Among the most interesting aspects of TestNG is an extensive set of annotations that not only let you designate methods as tests, but also provide for data input, setup, and for the grouping of tests into test categories.
TestNG 5.3 includes an annotation transformer that allows one to override test defaults at runtime, as well as such enhancements as:
@Before and @After methods can declare a java.lang.reflect.Method parameter to be informed about the @Test method
Improved multiple suite summary page report
-target option deprecated in favor of -annotations javadoc
A generic/extensible RemoteTestNG was added to the core
Attribute dataProviderClass for @Test and @testng.test
testng.xml now supports suite-files
Ant task can receive several listeners
Ant task can now select the parallel mode for running tests
Ant task can override default suite and test names
Command line support for setting parallel mode, suite and test names
If you have switched from JUnit to TestNG, what were the most noticeable productivity gains with TestNG, if any?