This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Steven E. Newton.
Original Post: Build Vs. Buy, Part 3
Feed Title: Crater Moon Buzz
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Views and experiences from the software world.
A continuation of a series examining certain arguments for buying
commercial software an minimally customizing it versus custom-developed
Polish and Quality
Typically, vendor-supplied software includes install and configuration
wizards and GUIs that are more extensive and more polished than what
is developed for in-house software. This is driven by the need for
customer to be able to implement the system without in-depth expertise.
While there is certainly value in those kinds of features, are they
worth the additional cost? They are primarily an example of the kind of
additional development done that is not directly attributable to customer
business needs. If those features are of value to the business, why
doesn't the in-house development process reflect that value? If the
purchased software is perceived as better-tested and more robust than
in-house developed software, those cost of those aspects is surely
included somewhere in the purchase and support price. Again, if these
aspects are valuable enough to enter into the purchase decision, why
doesn't the in-house development reflect this value?