It's that time again. BottomFeeder downloads went at a good clip: 234 per day. The details:
Platform | BottomFeeder Downloads |
Update | 546 |
Windows | 519 |
Mac X | 151 |
Linux x86 | 120 |
CE ARM | 69 |
HPUX | 40 |
Mac 8/9 | 38 |
Solaris | 34 |
Sources | 27 |
Windows98/ME | 19 |
Linux Sparc | 18 |
AIX | 18 |
CE x86 | 14 |
SGI | 12 |
Linux PPC | 10 |
ADUX | 7 |
Next, the HTML page accesses for the week:
Tool | Percentage of Accesses |
Mozilla | 48.8% |
Internet Explorer | 36.2% |
Other | 4.9% |
Planet Smalltalk | 4.5% |
MSN Bot | 3% |
Opera | 1.5% |
Megite | 1.1% |
About the same as usual, but overall traffic is up. The RSS stuff:
Tool | Percentage of Accesses |
BottomFeeder | 19.3% |
Mozilla | 18.6% |
Internet Explorer | 9.2% |
Net News Wire | 7.6% |
Planet Smalltalk | 7% |
BlogLines | 6.9% |
Other | 5.1% |
Safari RSS | 4.5% |
Google Feed Fetcher | 3.9% |
NewsGator | 2.9% |
RSS Bandit | 1.7% |
Akregator | 1.5% |
News Fire | 1.2% |
RSS 2 Email | 1.1% |
Opera | 1% |
Liferea | 1% |
JetBrains | 1% |
SharpReader | 1% |
Python | 1% |
Jakarta | 1% |
MSN Bot | 1% |
Java | 1% |
Must be more IE 7 out there, because IE usage against RSS/Atom is climbing.