Pollock - Now and For The Future
Shuster, Samuel: Cincom Systems
Monday 2 pm to 3:30 pm
Abstract: In this presentation we will present new widget features that Pollock provides and show how E-Z it is for you to use them in your applications. We will also take a look at how to configure hot keys for your applications as well as presenting an overview of the major refactoring that took place at the start of 2005 to make Pollock even more flexible. The Pollock roadmap to final Production will be discussed as well as VisualWorks GUI plans for the future.
Bio: Samuel S. Shuster is the GUI Lead for VisualWorks. His pride and joy is the Pollock GUI Framework which is slated to replace the current VisualWorks GUI framework over the next few years. When he's not responding to the constant "When Will Pollock Be Done" questions, he sits in the corner of his livingroom, looking dazed.