I've had a few people ask about building BottomFeeder from the sources. First off, go to the Software With Style and register for the development program. You need WithStyle to build. After that, grab the download instructions from the BottomFeeder site. That zip file contains a script that will do a build, along with all the files you need to do a build. During load, you'll get a message about a missing pre-requisite - WSBundle. You can ignore that. WSBundle is just my application packaging of WithStyle. I do that so that it can be updated like the other components.
Oh - and make sure you grab VisualWorks non-Commercial first, if you don't have it already. You'll need the 7.3 release. One other thing - WS registrations have been having problems of late - Michael is on it, and should have it all working (and the backlog addressed) this weekend.