This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Peter G Provost.
Original Post: Geek Notes 2004-01-26
Feed Title: Peter Provost's Geek Noise
Feed URL: /error.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/Rss.aspx
Feed Description: Technology news, development articles, Microsoft .NET, and other stuff...
Wow. A whole week has passed since my last post. Oops, sorry.
I spent most of last week giving .NET training in Woodland Park Colorado. A nice little
town, but the commute from Denver was getting old by the third day. Here is some stuff
I collected while offline, I'll have more posts soon...
MSI2XML - A cool little tool
that converts MSI files to XML files. Good for when you want to have MSI files as
text files or when you want to tweak them. It also converts them back to MSI files
MSI-Repackaging - This an interesting
project that collects MSI files (as XML files--see above)--with external file references--for
products that don't use MSI. Why would I need this? Well, if you are a sys admin using
SMS to push MSI files to workstations, but you have a program that doesn't come with
MSI files, then you could use this.
NCover -
A new code coverage tool. Go check your NUnit tests! (via Ken
Server 2004 Generic Adapter - This article describes a "generic adapter" (with
code) which you can use to write your own custom adapters quickly and easily.
Oh and by the way, during my week away from blogging I found out that I have
been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in .NET for my community efforts.
Wow. I am honored. Thanks.