This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by James Avery.
Original Post: Who is using .Text?
Feed Title: .Avery Blog
Feed URL: /blog/Install/BlogNotConfiguredError.aspx
Feed Description: .NET and everything nice
.Text is my favorite blogging software, I have used it internally in our company, and I plan on using it when I move my blog to another server. But I was curious how many other people were using .Text, and then I thought about it and .Text has the very distinct feature of having a main rss feed called MainFeed.aspx. Since this file has an aspx extension, it is actually indexed by google, even though it probably should not be. This makes it easy to find all the currently indexed sites using .Text, using the following search allinurl: "mainfeed aspx" you can browse through 84 different sites that use .Text. (These are complete sites, as multi blog sites do not use this file for each blog). The hidden gem of my search was a site called GeekDojo, good technical blogs that I had no idea existed. The most surprising site I found was called ZionBlogs which is obvisouly a religous oriented blog site, not my thing, but interesting to see what people are using this technology for.