This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by Frank Hileman.
Original Post: Centralized Styles Sample; LED Radio Button
Feed Title: Frank Hileman's WebLog
Feed URL: /error.htm?aspxerrorpath=/frank_hileman/Rss.aspx
Feed Description: Vector Graphics with, MyXaml, and Visual Studio Integration
Click on the image above to run the Centralized Styles sample for vector graphics. Grab the lower right corner of the window to scale the UI larger and smaller.
Download the source code to learn how to centralize all your Styles into a single template Picture that overrides Styles recursively, starting at a top-level Picture and moving to sub Pictures.
In the future we will have a special class in you can derive from, a type of Picture, that you can drag and drop onto any Picture in order to reuse a central set of Styles. This sample code allows you to centralize Styles with released versions of, 2.7 or 2.8.
This sample also demonstrates how to create a vector graphics LED radio button, and how to use the TranslucentForm class.
If you are using a Lite version, change DisplayInTranslucentForm to DisplayInForm, and you can run the code.