This post originated from an RSS feed registered with .NET Buzz
by James Avery.
Original Post: The Great Apple Turnaround
Feed Title: .Avery Blog
Feed URL: /blog/Install/BlogNotConfiguredError.aspx
Feed Description: .NET and everything nice
If you asked me five years ago if Apple would pass Dell in market value I would have laughed. (Yes I understand the difference between market value and market share, but still) While Apple’s success can be largely tied to the iPod and iTunes, the new Intel Macs are really turning heads. To be honest, I toyed with the idea of cancelling my order with Alienware and getting one of these Macs. (but it looks like running XP on an Intel Mac might not be a given)
The iPod is not going to slow down anytime soon, it has become painfully obvious that none of their competitors can make a competitive device (especially with the nano). iTunes is going to keep growing, especially if they can start to embrace some more of the independent music out there. (cut out the big record companies and sell it for cheaper). Now, if the Intel Macs run Vista…. there might be a day when the largest manufacturer of Windows machines is Apple. (it might sound crazy, but thinking Apple would pass Dell was just as crazy a thought five years ago)