This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Cheah Chu Yeow.
Original Post: 1GB of email with Gmail? SpyMac already has it
Feed Title: redemption in a blog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: ramblings of a misfit - web development, Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, CSS, programming
Now this is nice stuff here. SpyMac, a community for Mac users (as its name would suggest), is offering "the Internet's first free Gigabyte email service". Of course, Google was theoretically first by running beta trials with Gmail, but pretty much SpyMac is the first to roll out such an offer to the world at large.
Spymac agrees with the staff at Google that a 1 GB e-mail account makes sense.
It's just POP3 and webmail at the moment, but IMAP is in the works (which is crucial, btw, if 1GB of e-mail is going to make any sense, unless you use webmail or choose to leave your messages on the server).
Besides this, there are also some added free services, like 100MB of web space, 250MB of picture storage, RSS feed aggregator, and even blog hosting.
I couldn't resist and signed up. At this moment, I've been getting errors at the final registration page (seems like the sendmail program on the server's getting a little too busy). Haven't got a confirmation email yet. If you're willing to tolerate the lack of credibility (relative to Google), I think SpyMac offers a very sweet deal that's hard to resist. Pats on the back for the SpyMac staff for providing this for free. Smart move too, considering the amount of free publicity they'll get over the next few days. Oh well, you can't fault them for doing so - Google did it first.