This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Josh Baltzell.
Original Post: Funny Spam/Virus Email Subjects 2
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Feed Description: Weblog of Josh Baltzell. Focusing on the computer industry and .NET programming related news. I like to get involved on the discussions wherever they are.
Funny stuff, looks like a virus since it had an attachment. Who knows tho, maybe I was naked in that picture. There have been a few nights in my life that I can't remember the last few hours of.
Jackie likes to shoot me notes on occasion. She is president of the “What Every Women Really Think Society”. She just called me up last tuesday to let me know that the decision was made about PMS. They have decided they are against it. Oh yeah, and she told me that real men have chest hair and she tweaked my nipple. That was weird since it was over the phone.