This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Cheah Chu Yeow.
Original Post: Thesis submitted
Feed Title: redemption in a blog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: ramblings of a misfit - web development, Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, CSS, programming
Ever seen that movie where this guy has to do an Honours thesis and went through an extended period of staring at the computer trying to code and write technical reports and a 100-page thesis, and he finally went blind and led a pathetic life after that before dying alone? No? Well, I didn't either. Sounds like a pretty boring movie.
Well, anyway, so I've finally submitted my thesis to the examiner for review. That's a veritable mountain off my back, really. What have I gained from this test of willpower, this despairing journey of initial disappointment, this obstacle-ridden trek, this inward journey (yikes!) that made me realize that I'm just not cut out for a life in academia? Well, I can write on and on about this, recounting my experiences, or I can just stop here and link gratuitously to my thesis.