This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: FastRI - you must have this
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
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Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
A couple more posts on ruby-core reminded me to post about Mauricio Fernandez's FastRI module. Let's face it, ri sucks. It's slow and it often just doesn't work. FastRI is fast. And it works. What a concept!
The only downside is that it requires the fastri_server to be running in the background. To minimize the pain I added a Windows service for FastRI, which is included in the ruby-services package (which also includes services for WEBrick and Rubygems). The upside is that you can use your fastri server for other clients - you don't need to run the server on each host.
Do yourself a favor and get the FastRI package now!