This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by David Naseby.
Original Post: By way of Introduction
Feed Title: naseby + ruby + stuff
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Random wanderings through Ruby.
Welcome to my blog, dear reader. I can only assume that you are going back over the archives, searching desperately for something interesting, or you are some poor bastard who had the site foisted upon them by me personally. Either way, well met. Hopefully one day this will be an interesting place.
But first, thanks and acknowledgements. The blog is, at this time, powered by the unfortunately named diaria, by ozten. Its powered by Ruby, which is a language that will probably get some airtime on this blog. The site design was a homage of's css site. By homage, I mean direct ripoff, of course.
Diaria is convenient for me, as I have nothing active that I can play with on the server, so client-side generation is a must. Its a very pragmatic little program - spartan, even. I tried to write my own several times, but kept on coming back to diaria as the simplest thing that could possibly work. And I need something to get me writing, even if there is no audience. Here it is. Hopefully, there'll be more coming.
I am desperately looking for a Ruby On Rails Developer located in Sydney, could you please let me know if you might be interested in hearing more about current opportunities I have or if you know someone else who might be?