Barely sub-second latencies? Poor searching capabilities and on top of that you
have to wait several RTTs and use the mouse?!
I never managed to force myself to use
Actually, I didn't really use any bookmark manager; those from the several
browsers I run all suck. I just remembered pieces of URLs...
But this one I'm liking so far: based on wmii's wmiimenu+wmiipsel
tools, and built on top of ruby-wmii, it features:
mouse-less interaction
search as you type (extended autocompletion) for both title and URLs: the set of bookmarks matching what I'm typing at any position in the title or the URL is updated instantaneously as I type integration: importing bookmarks from and getting new ones automatically
tagging (it will import your tags if you let it try)
powerful search expressions (as many criteria as you want):
all bookmarks in the last week: ~d <7d
all bookmarks whose description matches a regexp: ~t regexp
all bookmarks with "redhanded" on the description or the URL, defined/last used in the last month: redhanded ~d <1m
all bookmarks with "ruby" on the URL, defined/last used in 2006: ~d 2006 ~u ruby
all bookmarks tagged as "blog", defined/last used in Q1: :blog ~d q1
progressive refining: I can enter successive expressions and each one further restricts the possible choices, which are shown in the menu
I have added the BookmarkManager to ruby-wmii's standard plugin in the
development branch. It stores the bookmarks as a plaintext file
in $HOME/.wmii-3, so you can use the text tools of your choice to search and process it.
Here are some animations showing how it works:
Progressive refining
First the bookmarks matching 'red', then the remaining ones under 20 days old, finally the subset of the latter
with wmii, no, hpricot somewhere in the description or the URL: