For those who like scripting their window manager, the most notable change in ruby-wmii 0.3.0 is the new configuration system which preserves your settings across upgrades and allows for extensibility via plugins.
Implemented as explained in an earlier posting where I showed the basics of a plugin framework for Ruby apps, the new plugin functionality looks like this:
Plugin.define"standard"doauthor"Mauricio Fernandez <>"# # {{{ CPU info appletbar_applet("cpuinfo",800)do|wmii,bar|Thread.newdoloopdocpuinfo=IO.readlines("/proc/cpuinfo")[6].split[-1].sub(/\..*$/,'')" Mhz"sleep5endendend# ...binding("dict-lookup","MODKEY-Control-d")do|wmii,|LOGGER.debug"dict-lookup called!!!"Thread.newdowmii.wmiimenu([])do|phrase|system"dcop kdict KDictIface definePhrase '#{phrase}'"end.value# block until we get the wordwmii.set_curr_view"dict"endend#...end