This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: RailsConf: Day 0
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
My plans to hop in the shower as soon as I got to the hotel were dashed when it turned out that they didn't have the room available for me that they had promised (i.e. one with a sofa bed). Things eventually got straightened out, but the room wasn't available until about 5pm. Assholes.
I spent most of the time hanging out in one of the ballrooms where I ran in Trey and Bougyman as they were putting the finishing touches on their port of OLE::Storage_Lite. It's one of the most poorly written Perl modules ever, btw, and the port proves problematic, but not insurmountable. This will let folks get around the 7mb limit in the Ruby port of Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
My plans to do some coding on win32-service lead to panic when it became apparent that RubyForge had dropped some of my CVS commits from Wednesday afternoon. I have the changes at home, but I didn't particularly feel like rewriting everything I had done the day before. With coding out of the question, I decided to chill/nap the rest of the evening.