This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by David Heinemeier Hansson.
Original Post: Rails plus 37signals in Wired and BusinessWeek
Feed Title: Loud Thinking
Feed URL:
Feed Description: All about the full-stack, web-framework Rails for Ruby and on putting it to good effect with Basecamp
When it rains, it pours. Rails, 37signals, and yours truly are all featured in articles from both Wired and BusinessWeek today.
Which is of course flattering, but also pretty weird. There's just something about paper and wide distribution that makes it all seem so puffy.
And its funny to think about how much time print magazines spend on short pieces. Especially the one in Wired, which had multiple photo sessions that combined took about three hours or so.
Imagine that they have to do all that work for so many small pieces. Certainly a different world from just jotting your notes down on a blog and possibly slapping on a half-assed photo.