This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: Sights, Sounds, Conf
Feed Title: RedHanded
Feed URL:
Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
When you retire this evening, why not soothe yourself to sleep with the sounds of Daid Alan Black explaining the food situation at RubyConf? In a few weeks, you’ll be out the minute he hits stride with the touching story about the catering staff who actually bypassed the butter for olive oil. And all because Ezra Zygmuntowicz is passing out audio files of Ruby Conference V, microphones wielded by the delicate hands of Chad Fowler and Jim Freeze.
Complement your listening with a number of visual diversions, such as:
The Facebook. I prefer the tarpit version. Your personal likes and needs may predispose you toward this as well. A little trick: Paste over 100 random URLs onto any wiki page and then go back to the link above and it should materialize. Now, best foot forward, let’s make the tarpit better than the real Ruby wiki!!
Kevin Clark is taking notes on his blog. Alot of notes, ho boy. Even stuff like Response: Inaudible! Very realistic, Kevin.