This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Titus Brown.
Original Post: 18 Nov 2004
Feed Title: Advogato diary for titus
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Feed Description: Advogato diary for titus
QOTDE: "One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief
that one's work is terribly important." -- Bertrand Russell, via Timothy Foreman.
Academic publishing may not quite be ready for Open Source just yet...
When last we met our fearless hero, I'd talked about submitting
an article on my software to BioTechniques. We got word back on
Tuesday: editorial rejection prior to review. The reason? Lack of
originality, because, to quote:
"As noted by the authors, the
programs described in this manuscript are available online and already
in wide use."
Silly me: I thought that having shown that the programs worked
for a wide variety of biological systems was a good thing!
It seems that the logic-challenged people at BioTechniques only want
unproven software published. If I convolute my own logic
processor, I can understand this, sort of: why would anyone read an
article about software that they're already using? Of course, the
assumption going into that is that the sole purpose of publishing is
to introduce people to completely novel results, not just
something that most people won't have seen. It's certainly
not like FRII is so widely used that Joe Developmental Biologist
will have already seen it.
O well. On the advice of a friend more seasoned than I, I am
re-submitting to BMC
Bioinformatics, where I am told that functioning software
is welcomed.
I do have to say that this little interaction has not raised my
opinion of BioTechniques. The editors didn't bother sending it out
for peer review, they simply slotted it into their narrow
preconceptions of How Software Is Done
and cut off the bits that didn't fit. At least I don't have to be
upset with my peers; I can just call the BT editors "clueless" and
move on!
There appear to be very few places to actually publish software. This
is surprising, given how much biology is starting to depend on it in
this new era of too much sequence. The standard technique is to do
some moderately interesting bit of science using the software & then
drop it into a moderately good journal like Genome Research. That's great -- if
the software you're writing has some immediate scientific value that can
be ascertained without experiments. If you need to do experiments, you're
talking about a 6-12 mo wait before you can finish the experiments & then
publish the software. Not exactly timely.
It's more troublesome that you can't expose your software to the Real World
and publish it as novel once other people know about it. Next time I write
a standalone piece of software I'll have to remember not to tell anyone else
before publishing it...
Thursday morning miscellany
Johnny Bartlett,
a fine member of this august site,
asked me to pimp his
book, although he acknowledges it's not a must-read for software
architecture. The book is "Programming from the Ground Up"; not having
read it, I am willing to pimp it not only by request but because
Joel Spolsky recommends it.
Go buy it.
A sinaesthetic friend sent me this fascinating article on
tetrachromatic women. I think it's a very interesting philosophical exercise to
contemplate what such people see & realize that we will never know. The
article makes a big point of the adaptability of the human brain;
I'm not that surprised, because it seems like the brain adapts to place
people in their own political realities easily enough... ;) I guess that
physical adaption on the level of new nerve pathways is moderately surprising,
although not new: see this article, & search for "inverted".
Normally I hate reposting links without commentary, 'cause meme tracking
has shown that everyone does it, so why should I waste my time? But sometimes
you run across something so hilarious that you've just gotta share:
sometimes you
need a bigger tow truck than you originally thought. There was also
a great story about crashing doorbells, but I won't
repost that.
Support our troops (if you're from the US)
Last but not least, check out Whether or not
you believe in the war (I do think getting rid of Saddam was a good
idea) or support our leader (are you kidding?), we should remember that
the troops who are over there are generally good people who are in an
uncertain combat environment fighting for their lives. It behooves us to
support them, whatever you think of the people who sent them there.
A friend who is also a military nut said this
about what units to contribute to:
On one hand, I'd suggest
reserve/nat'l guard units - they being in a more protracted and
stressful situation than they expected. On the other hand, reservists
are more likely to have a better support structure from their families
(more likely married). Active duty Army GIs and Marines are more
likely to be single, 18-21 year olds. Obviously both have families,
but, you know, direct support from a spouse and children in addition to
the rest of the family is what I'm getting at.
So, send books & chocolate, and support 'em.
This diary entry dedicated to my synaesthetic friend Tamara.