This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ng Pheng Siong.
Original Post: ZServerSSL Client Cert-based Authentication
Feed Title: (render-blog Ng Pheng Siong)
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Feed Description: Just another this here thing blog.
Somebody asked me about client certificate-based authentication in ZServerSSL. I replied but somebody's freemail provider 554'ed the dynamically-assigned IP address that I happened to be using. I'm pasting the gist of my reply here in case somebody also visits my blog.
Suppose ssl_ctx is an SSL.Context instance. Look for the method invocation "ssl_ctx.set_verify()". In my examples it is typically
ssl_ctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_none, 10)
which means no client cert verification. If you look at line 787 of,
you'll see this chunk:
ssl_ctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_peer, 10)
ssl_ctx.set_verify(SSL.verify_none, 10)
Meaning, for Zope 2, client cert authentication is enabled if Zope is
running in X509_REMOTE_USER mode.
I'll talk about X509_REMOTE_USER in a separate post.