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Zope Care Day

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Sidnei da Silva

Posts: 137
Nickname: deecee
Registered: Nov, 2003

Sidnei da Silva is a dirty little brazilian python hacker
Zope Care Day Posted: Oct 27, 2004 9:50 AM
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Zope Care Day

Today has been decreed Zope Care Day. Andy asked me to figure out why PUT request would bloat Zope's memory. We made a bet that if I fixed the issue before he woke up he would eat his laptop without salt!

Going to log whatever I find here so I don't keep track of all the findings.

  • The whole samba starts in ZServer/, zhttp_collector.

    • If the request size (?) is bigger than 524288 bytes (?) it uses a TemporaryFile to store the request data. Otherwise, it uses a cStringIO.StringIO. Fair enough, though I suppose that threshold could be smaller.
  • However, it just uses zhttp_collector if a CONTENT_LENGTH header is found! (zhttp_handler.handle_request)

  • That suggests that if the client (in our case doesn't set Content-Length, a cStringIO.StringIO will be blindly created.

  • (at least our modified version) seems to set Content-Length properly (and so does cadaver), so Zope is creating a temporary file as expected.

  • The next thing that happens is that the request is passed through cgi.FieldStorage, which creates yet another temporary file by reading the one zhttp_collector had created. This far, nothing read the whole file in memory, which is cool.

  • Next thing is traversing to a resource and calling it's PUT method.

    • If the resource doesn't yet exists:

      • A webdav.NullResource object is created, and it's PUT method is called.

      • It looks for a Content-Type header on the request. If that's not found, it tries to guess the content type from the filename. If that doesn't happen, it tries a to figure out if its a binary file. Humm... which seems like it will fail if the uploaded file is big as it will receive a file object here??

      • PUT looks for a PUT_factory method on the parent object, and if that's not found, it uses NullResource._default_PUT_factory, which will:

        • Create a ZopePageTempate for a file ending with .pt
        • Create a DTMLDocument for anything with content-type of text/html, text/xml or text/plain
        • Create a OFS.Image for anything with content-type image/*
        • Create a OFS.File for anything else.
      • When inside CMF/Plone, PortalFolder implements PUT_factory and delegates to content_type_registry. That one may be reading the whole file in memory. Add note to check later.

    • After PUT_factory is called, everything behaves as if the file already existed.

    • The next step is delegating to the existing resource, or newly-created object PUT method.

    • When using OFS.File, Zope seems to behave exceptionally well. Here's what happens:

      • The request body is read in 64K chunks into a linked list of Pdata objects.
      • The Pdata objects get a _p_jar immediately, and a subtransaction is triggered.
      • As the subtransaction is triggered, a TmpStore object is created to hold the transaction data temporarily.
      • The TmpStore creates yet another temporary file.
      • When the real transaction is commited, all the info on the TmpStore is copied over to the real storage.

Conclusion so far: Zope seems to be able to handle large files correctly out of the box. The problem may lie somewhere inside CMF/Plone.

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