This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ben Last.
Original Post: It Was Coughing Up Blood Last Night
Feed Title: The Law Of Unintended Consequences
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Feed Description: The Law Of Unintended Consequences
I invested an hour on Wednesday in replacing the oldest hard drive in the server at home with a new 80Gb one. First time I've bought a disk from Amazon; well, actually one of their small army of independent sellers. Better price than DABS or MicroWarehouse, with one-click buy and cheap delivery. What's not to like?
Amazon get so much so right that they're becoming annoying. Like Tesco (for UK readers), they'll end up owning the entire retail marketplace; anything that can conceivably be bought online will be available from Amazon. It'll be cars next, or white goods.
Anyway, back to the subject of drive replacment; if I hadn't bothered to go into the depths of Computer Management and poke about in Disk Management, I wouldn't have seen the little yellow triangles on the C and D drives. Nor would I have noted the several I/O Errors that an investigation into the Event Viewer showed up. What is it about Windows that makes it pop up so many annoying announcements that I don't need (No, leave my Unused Desktop Icons alone!) and hide useful information that I do? Where's my lil' popup balloon saying "One of your disk drives is reporting that it may fail?". Damn Microsoft and their Fisher-Price computing.
Contrariwise, the Linux gateway server emailed me to tell me it was low on logfile space, me having misremembered to add an apache log to logrotate. Nice computer.