Mastering Swing with JGoodies
The last days i was mostly in source-code and javadoc reading mode. To be honest, in the first hours of my journey, i thought that i would never really understand that framework, but slowly i am getting the whole picture and thats why i want to talk about it. I have dealt with a lot of frameworks so far, mostly in the J2EE area. Most of them require a day or two and then you can do most the things the framework has to offer. But i want to tell you a different story, a story within the most complex API in javaland: Swing. I know many J2EE developers are thinking that EJB is the toughest API to work with, but sorry, i am doing constantly both areas and Swing is IMO harder to apply correctly...
JTable filtering with Glazed Lists
Text filtering is effective in data-intensive applications such as iTunes. Glazed Lists, an open source toolkit for list transformations, implements text filtering. In this article, Jesse Wilson discusses list transformations, how they represent simple yet powerful tools, and walks you through an implementation of text filtering in Java using Glazed Lists.