This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Vasanth Dharmaraj.
Original Post: Java Desktop For X Window
Feed Title: Vasanth Dharmaraj's Blogs
Feed URL: /SyndicationService.asmx/GetRssCategory?categoryName=Technology%7CJava
Feed Description: my thoughts on dot net, java, linux, formula one, xbox gamming...(my java category)
"JD4X is build to control the native desktop system and JVM's that run on the
JD4X desktop. It will allow loading, killing and reloading of JVMs. Java Jar and class
files can be executed like a native application. Management and optimization of Java
classes are also its aim. On top of its Java orientated system, it will also support
all the existing native applications. It will come with a default Windowing Manager
that provides all the features of a desktop. Java users are then empowered to write
their own Java desktops, applications, windowing managers, extend the default Windowing
Manager implemented by the JD4X project team or simply enjoy a completely Java enabled
desktop. "