This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Ben Hosking.
Original Post: Java Quotes
Feed Title: A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The blog looks at using Java and programming in general as it pops up in life as a Java programmer. It will have links to interesting Java articles and resources. It will also have a lot of SCJP Java 1.5 information and links as I am currently studying
I wondered what a Java Quote actually was, it is a collection of quotes for the last 8 years about computers which are very funny. I also wondered how to quote someone who is quoting a quote. In the end my head almost fell off, so I thought I would add a few of my favourites, tell you guys I got from
and tell you to go there and check them out as they are bloody funny
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Have you ever come across Smalltalk or Lisp programmers? You know, these people who, no matter what you tell them, will always respond that "Smalltalk did that twenty years ago" or that "Nothing has been invented since Lisp". They listen to you patiently with an amused light in their eyes and when you're done talking, they will just shrug away your points and kindly recommend that you read up on a thirty-year old technology that was the last thing they ever learned and that has been dictating every single technical judgment they have offered since then.
Every good upgrade should have at least one feature, which, once you?ve used it, you come to rely on it so often that you?d fight anyone who tried to take it away from you.
Any developers who would choose a #@%^&! psychotic paper clip as the default means of providing "help" for a major application are capable of any lunatic decision
--Andrew Watt on the "Computer Book Publishing" mailing list
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Sounds like it might be interesting but you know, I'm tired, and just not up to the aggravation of clicking on something that ends in ".pdf". And I bet I'm not the only one
--Tim Bray on the xml-dev mailing list, Monday, 25 Aug 2003
Monday, January 2, 2006
I love deadlines. I love the sound they make as they go whooshing by.