Final Approval Ballot:
On 2006-04-18 Sun Microsystems, Inc. voted Yes with the following comment:
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
On 2006-04-18 Suleiman, Hani voted Yes with the following comment:
On 2006-04-18 SAP AG voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-21 JBoss, Inc. voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-25 Google Inc. voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-26 SAS Institute Inc. voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-26 Nortel voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-27 Borland Software Corporation voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-28 Fujitsu Limited voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-04-28 Lea, Doug voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-05-01 Hewlett-Packard voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-05-01 Intel Corp. voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-05-01 IBM voted Yes with the following comment:
IBM's vote is based on the technical merits of this JSR and is not a vote on the
licensing terms. IBM supports licensing models that create an open and level
playing field by allowing third parties to create independent implementations
of Java Specifications and that do not allow individuals or companies to exercise
unnecessary control for proprietary advantage. We support open source as a
licensing model for contributions in the JCP, and would hope others will
support this direction. This comment is not necessarily directed at the
current business or license terms for this JSR, however, it is a statement of
IBM's preferred licensing model.
On 2006-05-01 Oracle voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-05-01 Apache Software Foundation voted Yes with no comment.
On 2006-05-01 BEA Systems voted Yes with no comment.