This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Nov 23, 2005 04:41 PST] 14 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Apache FOP 0.90 alpha-1 is an XSL-FO implementation written in Java with support for several output formats like PDF, PostScript, Plain Text, RTF etc.
Phoenix RC1 is now live. This is your last chance to report problems before is replaced on November 30. Is it better than the current
Yan Container 0.7. This release includes a sub-project called Nuts, a modular xml dialect of Yan with support of flexible component combinations and extensible xml tags.
Plugging memory leaks with weak references. While Java programs are theoretically immune from "memory leaks," there are situations in which objects are not garbage collected...
VLDocking 2.0.4, the Swing docking framework is available from
Awesum 0.5.0 is a graphical checksum verification utility. This is a complete rewrite of Awesum in Java.
monq.jfa 0.19 is a class library for fast and flexible text filtering with regular expressions.
Compass Framework 0.6.2 is a Java framework which makes it simple to map your Java object model into a search engine.
GeoServer 1.3.0-RC6 is a full transactional J2EE implementation of the OpenGIS Consortium's Web Feature Server specification with a completely integrated Web Map Server.
Morena 6.3 is a Java framework that allows a Java program to acquire an image from a scanner or camera.