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[Nov 22, 2005 08:28 PST] 23 Links

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Erik C. Thauvin

Posts: 4232
Nickname: ethauvin
Registered: Apr, 2004

Erik C. Thauvin maintains one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs.
[Nov 22, 2005 08:28 PST] 23 Links Posted: Nov 22, 2005 9:30 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Nov 22, 2005 08:28 PST] 23 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
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Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Latest Java Buzz Posts
Latest Java Buzz Posts by Erik C. Thauvin
Latest Posts From Erik's Linkblog

Global Business Object. A portable Java library that enables global application developers to generate culture-sensitive GUI controls in a J2EE environment.

Eliminate Log Messages on the Console in JDK 1.4. This tip shows a quick way to eliminate log messages sent to console when using JDK 1.4 and later.

Groovy JSR 04. Just before the Groovy / JSR-241 meeting happening in Paris at the end
of the week, the Groovy team decided to roll a new version!

JetNuke 1.1 is a free CMS written in Java (GNU License). This release incluedes a new "Blog" module that substitutes the old Journal module.

Parabuild 2.0, a continuous integration and build management server.

JSP Prize Tags 2.4.0. The new release contains a lot of new features to the popular Tree Tag included in Prize Tags.

SuperWaba 5.52 is a VM for PDAs and Smartphones.

XPontus XML editor 1.0.0-beta1 is a free java based XML text Editor, distributed under GPL. It aims to provide a free alternative to commercial XML editors.

OpenXava 1.2 allows you develop rapidly and easily business J2EE applications using simple XML definition, and in an OO fashion.

TMate 2.0, a subversion/cvs management plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

codavaj 1.1, a javadoc to java code conversion application.

Java Card goes contactless . Contactless cards running the Java Card platform are available now.

Ravenous 0.5.1 is a full-featured Web server written in Java. This release adds a new subview feature, which makes it easy to create efficient and reusable Web GUI components.

Simple Logging Facade for Java 1.0RC1 (SLF4J) is intended to serve as a simple facade for various logging APIs, allowing to the end-user to plug in the desired implementation at deployment time.

j2Bin 1.1 is an application that helps Java developers distribute their Java programs (.jar's) as Linux executables, making the programs easy to run and use for the end user.

YProlog 0.2 is a pocket Prolog engine written in 100% Java.

Frinika 0.1.6 is a free, complete music workstation program for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X Tiger, and other operating systems running Java 1.5.

FuncPlotter 1.1.2 is a combined Java application and applet for displaying two-dimensional plots of explicit functions in one variable.

Bhagvan — JSR 244: JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) Specification Proposed Final draft review.

Brian — The Extensible Enum Pattern in Java.

David — blojsom 2.28 available.

Wayne — MyEclipse 4.1 Roadmap: AJAX dev tools, Image Editor, ...

Chris — Do It Again.

Read: [Nov 22, 2005 08:28 PST] 23 Links

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