In which Andy suffers an extreme bout of cynical disbelief in the merits of Resource Oriented Architecture and "solving" the discovery problem by giving up and just having a description as part of a "Resource".
Funny - I thought it was the role of Registries to keep track of things.
His ROA solution, however, glosses over the problem of finding services
with the broad assumption that they are out there on the
Web and so all they need to do is encapsulate a description. Presumably
Google Solves All and uses that description to make the service
That simplistic, singular approach seems to ignore the possibility that
there might be multiple reasons to use a given service and therefore
multiple ways to find it.
Once we start thinking about composing real business solutions, the
(legal) need for accountability complicates a blitheapproach to
service selection and services are only likely to be used because they
are available through a corporate registry.
Imagine a CEO signing off on a Sarbanes-Oxley report that figures were
calculated using some service casually discovered because it ROAred