These new video tutorials should be an excellent resource for people that want to get a quick overview of some of RIFE's benefits.
RIFE is a full-stack, open-source Java web application framework, offering fast results with the promise of maintainability and code clarity. While many are attracted to RIFE for the productivity gains it offers, the framework actively tries to solve difficult problems with creative solutions that combine power and flexibility with comfortability.
Demonstration of how continuations can be used for flow control. The simplistic single-page order checkout process of demo 2 will be split up into a wizard in this demonstration.
Demonstration of how step-back continuations can be used to easily add back-button functionality to forms. The second part of this demo clearly illustrates how easy it is to debug continuations and that the power of your regular Java tools is available to inspect your web application flows.
Demonstration to show that RIFE elements are stateful components. The order checkout process of the previous demonstration will be embedded several times inside the view of the jumpstart homepage. Each instance will continue to function independently.
If you want to get a quick overview of some of RIFE's benefits or if you want to get more information about a particular topic that you don't master yet, these demos should be an excellent resource.