"Write a two and three argument constructor for Circle a. 2 arguments color and owner b. 3 arguments color, owner and radius"
I think it should look like this:
public class Circle { public Circle { String color; String owner; }
public Circle { String color; String owner; String radius; } I also need to construct two Circle objects. (does this have to be done here or can I do it in the main() )
The class is inheriting from a Shape class that has private attributes owner and color.
If my code is wrong, please let me know. My main question is why do I need two constructors (why can't I put all attributes in one)? Does it have to do with inheritence?
A constructor is like a method except that it does not return a value. So, yours constructors are messed up. Try to read JavaTutorial to see what a constructor is and how to write one.