Hi, I wish to do a simple online poker game in java. Shall I write the code throgh socket programming? Is there any need to create a server through socket?(becuase I wish to implement this on a remote host). If I create a server, How will I run it remotely?Should I use the remote server instead of server program created by me? I have experience in PHP programming. Also I have created simple chat programs run on My school's LAN. Shall I use remote Tomcat server for this purpose? Shall I use servlet or JSP instead of socket programming. Please help me.
I'm sure all the suggested methods would work (never used JSPs so I have no clue how you'd go about it). But as for the Java Socket programming route, you'd probably want to write a server, and have two controllers (as clients interacting with that Server) which has a set of rules.
My Soccer 2003 Software Engineering project used a similar TCP/IP communication protocol (regulations set out by the instructor).
You can tweak around with the TCP/IP modules that are on this years project. I believe the website is: