hello, I have netbeans-4,when I open a source file in IDE I find this /* * ProgramName.java * * Created on Mmm d, yyyy, tt:ss zz */
followed by the usual class...main().... I want to customise the above message as following when ever a new file is opened: [code] /* * ProgramName.java * Some licence thing goes here...... * some predefined message goes here..... * Created on May 9, 2005, 11:19 AM * some contribution list goes here..... */
for now I am running a script to add licence and other things, can't I customise the netbeans (may be by changing/passing/setting flages ) so that my standard message (licence+contribution list.....) is generated automatically when ever I open a new source file?
I tried most of options in Tools>options. I got font/size changed also, but it did not serve the purpose. I tried googling it but I guess google is not god ;) thanx in advance