The Artima Developer Community

Artima Developer Demographic Survey
Survey Taken November and December, 2003

This page contains the results of a demographic survey of Artima Developer users, which ran from November 30 to December 17, 2003. You may also view results from a 2005 survey. Note that due to rounding, column totals may not add to exactly 100%.

1. How frequently do you visit (719 responses)

Daily 5%
Several times a week 18%
Several times a month 51%
Once a month 16%
Less than once a month 6%
First visit 1%

2. On average, how much time do you spend at in a typical visit? (719 responses)

More than an hour 4%
31 to 60 minutes 19%
11 to 30 minutes 50%
5 to 10 minutes 21%
Less than 5 minutes 3%

3. What sections of do you visit frequently? (707 responses)

Articles 94%
Forums 16%
Weblogs 41%
Buzz 10%
News 19%
Other content 3%

4. Why do you visit (715 responses)

To be exposed to new ideas 85%
To improve my programming skills 65%
To read developer discussions 42%
To participate in developer discussions 8%
To read developer-related news 28%
To get help with specific programming problems 6%
To help others with their programming problems 3%

5. What other developer websites do you visit frequently? (702 responses)

JavaWorld 35%
O'Reilly Network 50% 33%
DevX 11%
IBM Developer Works 38%
BEA Dev2Dev 4% 48% 23%
Javalobby 13%
JGuru 10%
Slashdot 53%
None of the above 5%

6. What roles have you played at your job in the past year? (721 responses)

Developer 87%
Consultant 40%
Software tester 25%
System administrator 21%
Senior management 10%
Project management 30%
Other management 6%
Not employed 3%
Student 7%
None of the above 1%

7. Are you subscribed to the Artima Newsletter? (713 responses)

Yes 91%
No 7%
I'm not sure 1%

8. Are you subscribed to an Artima RSS feed? (712 responses)

Yes 16%
No 78%
I'm not sure 4%

9. How many people are employed by your organization? (705 responses)

1000+ 28%
50 to 999 29%
49 or fewer 41%

10. What languages have you used in the past year? (721 responses)

C 36%
C++ 42%
C# 20%
Cobol 1%
Eiffel 1%
Java 80%
JavaScript 39%
Perl 31%
PHP 17%
Python 33%
Ruby 10%
SQL 62%
Visual Basic 20%
None of the above 1%

11. For what hardware platforms have you written software in the past year? (715 responses)

Desktop computers 81%
Servers 79%
Mainframe computers 5%
Supercomputers 0%
Cell phones, PDAs, and other handhelds 14%
Consumer appliances 1%
Other embedded devices 6%
None of the above 0%

12. On what operating systems have you developed or deployed software in the past year? (716 responses)

Microsoft Windows 85%
Apple Macintosh 15%
Sun Solaris 35%
HP-UX 8%
Linux 61%
BSD Unix 8%
Other operating systems 15%
None of the above 0%

13. On what application servers have you developed or deployed software in the past year? (697 responses)

.NET Application Server 10%
Apache Tomcat 49%
Apple WebObjects 0%
BEA Weblogic 17%
Borland Enterprise Server 2%
IBM Websphere 13%
JBoss 21%
Macromedia JRun 5%
Oracle 9i Application Server 5%
Pramati Server 0%
Sun ONE 3%
Sybase EAServer 0%
Zope 7%
Other application server 11%
I didn't use an application server last year 26%

14. Which of the following technologies have you worked with in the past year? (715 responses)

.NET 23%
XML 80%
J2ME 10%
Jini 7%
Wireless 9%
Servlets and/or JSPs 55%
ASPs 11%
EJBs 28%
JMS 18%
Databases 79%
None of the above 4%

15. How are you involved in your organization's purchase decisions for computer equipment and software? (698 responses)

Determine the need for a product or service 56%
Examine product specs 53%
Recommend or select the product or service 61%
Recommend or select the vendor or brand 42%
Authorize or approve the purchase 13%
I am involved in other ways 9%
I am not involved in purchase decisions 23%

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