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Banner AdsArtima publishes high quality articles and news intended to be read onscreen. To maximize the readability of this content, we encourage non-animated banner ads, and require that animated banner ads have a single loop that completes within 15 seconds. We accept GIF, HTML, JPG, or PNG files, and Flash. (We are open to other formats, so please ask.) Max alt text is 255 characters.
Sponsored LinksText for a sponsored link must be at most 85 characters (including spaces). The entire text will be hyperlinked to a click-through URL. Premium Newsletter SponsorshipsYour newsletter ad should include one static, 125x125 pixel (GIF, JPG, or PNG) image, a title, short paragraph (which must be 60 words or less), and one click-through URL. The maximum file size for the 125x125 pixel image is 15k. |