Working with States in Flex 4
Flex 4's new syntax simplifies working with application states. This article provides a tutorial introduction into UI state management with Flex 4, and includes a complete example.
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Most recent reply: July 27, 2010 11:42 AM by
Flex 4's new syntax simplifies working with application states. This article provides a tutorial introduction into UI state management with Flex 4, and includes a complete example. do you think of Flex 4 state syntax?
Helpful, thanks. stateGroups were a puzzle, though. How to combine states? Which state names to use throughout the mxml? Where do these stateGroups pay off? I built an experiment, and the news is good: JohnHicks dot com slash wp
Thank You John Hicks
I downloaded the new Adobe Flash Builder 4 Premium and tried and it is working. However, for this example, I made a small change from
xmlns:mx="library:// to xmlns:mx="library://ns.adob
to make it compile. I am stunned that it did not work.
I can switch between on state and the other. When we click on "Need to register" I expected to see things like "First Name" and "Last Name". Their location do exist as an space is allocated in the layout but they stay invisible.
I have no clue why this does not work. Thanks Pedro Boh
Sorry for my stupid question. I wonder why `alpha="0.0" ` was used. Just delete it and it will look fine.