> Anyway, the interviews are good, keep 'em coming.
Thanks. I'm planning to have at least one new interview installment each week from now on.
In fact, I am considering running two interview series at once next year, because each series takes about six weeks to complete. I want the interviews to be in-depth, which means either they are extremely long or I spread them out over many weeks. People don't actually tend to read long articles on the web, so that's why I chose to spread them out. But if I only run one interview at a time, I can only get about 8 of them out a year. If I run two of them at once, I can get about 16 out a year. I'd appreciate any opinions of whether two interview installments a week would be too much or just right.
In addition to interviews, I am planning on publishing a lot of articles and book content. I have two authors lined up for new columns, and I'm hoping to spend more time writing myself next year. And don't forget to submit your own great ideas for articles: