" ...every individual writes code based on the context of the structure that they hold inside their head, their own concept of the architecture. If this differs you're going to have problems."
Haven't you got to assume you're going to have these problems. You may not have these problems one week but then you have them the next. And if they differ, who is right and who is wrong?
The best you can hope for is that people maintain an understanding of the context of their own domain of work.
Where does this understanding of the architecture come from? Seems the only place it can be derived from is the system itself. The system should be capable of visualising it's own architecture.
My thinking, which may be outdated, is that the system should be able to illustrate itself in terms of its architecture which can be understood and appreciated by users inside and outside the development community.
Self-illustrating systems? A subject I've been wasting my time on for the last few years, see: