> Bjarne Stroustrup talks with Bill Venners about raising
> the level of abstraction, why programming is
> understanding, how "oops happens," and the difference
> between premature and prudent optimization.
> Read this Artima.com interview with the creator of C++:
> What do you think of Bjarne's comments?
I agree with the concept of abstraction as a level , but of programming.
I do not agree that the sense of abstraction is something to sweat about, reach for
or worry about.
Maybe the level is hard to see cause of the "looking for it" when striving to look for "a high level of abstraction". If the domain is looked at in a "natural sense" the abstraction is there.
What part of it is required.
The abstraction of a domain and formatting it can synq up real nice in C++ . The language suits the integration very well. Why? It is made up of very flexible semantics which format the domain in about any context with code. Take a flexible smiley face - stretch it this way or that, it covers what you need.
The mechanisms or facility of C++ cover quite an expanse of possibilities in terms of what the language can do to code them. Given the benifet of classes formatting C++ can go forward , backward , sideways
diagonally towards any collective association of a past present or future domain. Where do you want to go.
A Question to ask
What is the domain and the context of the domains abstraction at that point in time.
Using certain principles like invariants it is ready for the future without trying It just fits, and fits naturally.
Stop!!! and think!!! about it without haste , do you really see what you think you don't. If you do then maybe you got it.
Perceiving C++ in real terms, I think.
David W. Stubbs