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People Over Process
by Sean Landis
July 1, 2004
I really pooped out last night. I'm getting old, and the battle with strep when I got here caught up with me. But the General Session was great for Jini folk.


I just couldn't go another step. So I stumbled back to my hotel and the comfort of bed at about 7pm. Unfortunately I missed Jennifer Kotzen's BoF on Jini. I'm sure it was nothing new, but we Jini folk try to support each other. Sorry Jennifer.

This morning's GS was great news for Jini. After some tools stuff, James Gosling introduced Cameron Roe of PsiNaptic to show what they're doing with embedded Jini. I spoke about this a few posts ago. Well, I thought Cameron did very well and left people with a good taste in their mouth regarding Jini. Right after, there was a MTV-style video about how Orbitz is using Java and Jini in their application. This is huge and got people's attention. I guess Jini is no longer just a 4-letter word at Sun. Maybe Rob Gingell is most responsible - thanks. Anyway, I met Leon from Orbitz at my BoF. He was the engineer cum Rock Star in the video. I found out they'd been working with Jini since 2000 but never realized there was any reason to tell anyone. So glad Jennifer tracked them down.

I have two technical sessions to attend and then JavaOne 2004 will be over. At that point I'll enjoy a week in Manhattan Beach with my family who came out with me as we visit my father and stepmother. I'm even more thankful about this after learning I was inches from being terminated by Rick Kitts for the purposes of identity theft. (See Rick's blog if you're curious ;-)

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Sean Landis is a technologist and programmer interested in, among other things, mobile and distributed sytems, location-based services, and skiing.

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