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JavaOne 2010: Functional Programming, from Java to Scala
by Eric Armstrong
September 23, 2010
Dick Wall's talk turns out to be a treasure trove of useful tidbits, and a great introduction to Scala that whets my appetite, big time.


Dick Wall's talk was a revelation. The title was "Funky Java, Objective Scala". It sounded intriguing, but I didn't really know what to expect. It turned out that his talk was a treasure trove of useful tidbits that turned out to be a great introduction to Scala.



Fortunately, I had recently read John Hughes' seminal paper, Why Functional Programming Matters, originally published in
1990. That paper did a really nice job of presenting two significant benefits of functional programming, in a slow, easy-to follow way:

Dick Wall's Talk

That paper turned out to be just the background I needed to fully appreciate Dick's talk. He started out by describing the advantages of functional programming and the situations in which it's helpful. Then he showed how to do functional programming in Java. That was educational in itself. But then he went a step further. He showed how much simpler the code was in Scala, and rattled off a list of Scala features that I typically associate with dynamic languages like Ruby.

To say I was intrigued is to put it mildly. The list of features missed a couple of incredibly powerful things that stem from fully dynamic classes, but at the same time those features can be dangerous, and they can make programs harder understand. So overall, it began to look as though Scala figured out how to strike a really useful balance between flexibility and readability.

Situations that Call for Functional Programming

When I was in school, I loved the fact that programming "recipes" (algorithms) gave me ways to solve problems that weren't well-suited ot a mathematical approach. Years later, object-oriented programming turned out to be a terrific tool for dealing with even more complex problems.

But as Dick pointed out, there are still many mathematical/scientific problems that are more easily expressed using combinations of mathematical functions, rather than algorithms and objects. So while objects and algorithms have been terrific for one class of problems typical of ecommerce, GUIs, and even development tools, it has been less than stellar in other arenas--arenas in which "functional decomposition" is an appropriate solution mechansim.

Dick's list of situations the benefit from the functional approach included:

Functional Programming in Java

The next set of slides showed how to do functional programming in Java. The slides were too far away to read easily, but here's the gist of things:

The point here is simply that it's possible to do functional programming in Java. (In the talk, Dick showed a simplified version of a chromosome-analyzing risk-assessment algorithm, and showed how it fell apart rather nicely using functional decomposition.)

Advantages of Functional Programming

When you're used to it, according to Dick, and using it where it's appropriate, functional programs are:

That last one really caught my attention, because I am a testing maniac. I've coded without tests, and I've coded with them. Coding with a comprehensive collection of tests is way more fun. And it's safer. Programs stay up longer, and when they do crash, they tend to avoid the ultimate sin of losing user data.

When Dick said that functional programs are easier to test, it really rang a bell. Because the first thing I need to do to make code testable is typically to break it up into teeny modules that can be independently tested. Therein lies the path to coding nirvana.

So right about this point in the talk, several things came together: My experience with testing, Dick's comments, and the description of higher order functions in John Hughes' paper. The paper has a marvelous series of examples where you create a list-processing function that takes other functions as an argument. One takes a "sum" function as an argument, and sums the list. Another takes a "product" function, and multiplies the list elements together. He goes on to give several more examples--all of which are variations on the map reduce theme.

The important thing, to circle back to a point made earlier, is that once you know the meta-function works properly on lists of arbitrary size, you only need to add a test for the new function you're adding (sum or product, for example). And all you have to prove with those tests is that the "seed" of the induction hypothesis holds true. You already know that the hypothesis holds for N+1 if it holds for N. All you have to prove is that it does indeed hold for N.

For example, you only need to prove that the sum function produces the correct result for two numbers. It's not hard to do that in a fairly comprehensive manner, given that the task is so small. You care what happens when there is a 1 and a null, or a null and a one, or a null and a null. Maybe half a dozen cases in all. You don't care what happens when there is a null in the beginning of a list, a null at the end, or if there are nulls scattered throughout the list. You don't have to test the list-processing code at the same time as the value-summing code. You divide and conquer.

As an additional benefit, debugging becomes easier, too, because you have a large collection of teensy functions. When any function has a bug, there is only a small amount of code to inspect. If function A combines functions B & C, and B and C are both known to work, then the bug has to be in the way A combines them. At any point in time, you're only looking at small amount of code, so debugging is drastically simplified.

Testing Java with Scala

Highly modular programs are easier to test, and Scala's capacity to create DSLs makes it possible to define a testing language that suits the problem. That's the same sort of thing that the Ruby community has been so succesful with. But since Scala works so well with Java, Dick pointed out that Bill Venners was able to make a tidy little DSL wrapper for JUnit and TestNG called ScalaTest.

So while highly functional Scala progams would be the ultimate in testability, it's possible to enjoy the goodness of Scala to make it easier to write tests for new and existing Java code--and to make those tests easier to read, as well. (see Inset: ScalaTest Your Java Code)

ScalaTest Your Java Code

ScalaTest is modeled after my favorite Ruby test harness, RSpec. The ability to do testing in the “Behavior Driven Development” (BDD) style that RSpec allows is important, in my view, because the resulting “specs” can be easily read and reviewed--a highly significant feature that is often overlooked when the benefits of testing are enumerated.

Scala Features

Having shown that functional programming is a valuable tool for a variety of problems, and having shown that it can be accomplished in Java, Dick Wall went on to show how much easier and simpler the code was in Scala. (It was too far away to read, but there was less of it!)

He cited these advantages of Scala, in particular. (He didn't have time to go into them so the comments that follow them are mine.)

And those are just the features he mentioned! Once I started looking around, I came across quite a few more:

So What's Missing in Scala?

With all of that functionality in place, what exactly is Scala missing? So far, I've only found a few things:

Of course, Scala makes it pretty easy to define such an operator, and use it the way you would expect to. (Any single-argument function can be used as an infix operator, function names can be symbols, and parentheses and dot-operators are optional. So the syntax comes out exactly the way you want to see it.)


 class regexTest(String s) {
     String local_s = s

     def @= (regEx re) {
         match local_s {
             case re: true    
             case _: false

Like a true functional language, the last expression to be evaluated is returned. So if the match succeeeds, true is returned. Otherwise, false.


regexTest(someString) @= /regularExpression/

You then use an "implicit SuperString" definition to make it available in every reference to the String type.

Bottom Line

Ok. Scala is missing a couple of Ruby's cool features. But it's not missing all that much. And it has a lot going for it. (For other takes on the subject, see the Inset.)

Comparing Ruby and Scala

In Things a Ruby Developer Needs to Know about Scala, a fellow Ruby-head waxes poetic about Scala's strengths.
Some highlights:

  • "10-100 times faster...(with) built-in syntactic support for XML"

  • "Scala makes it easy (and intuitive) to write functional style code."
    That's important because "Much of Ruby's beauty and productivity comes from its functional side"

  • "Much better facilities for writing DSLs. Scala's syntax is more flexible and expressive that Ruby's"

  • "Scala's parser library lets you have BNF-style expressions right in your code"

See also this primer on constructing internal DSLs in Scala. It's a follow-on to an earlier paper that told how to write external DSLs. Highlights:

  • "Implicits are perhaps the biggest powerhouse towards designing user friendly DSLs. (They) offer a safe way to extend existing abstractions. Implicits in Scala is perhaps one of the best examples of a meaningful compromise in language design between uncontrolled open classes of Ruby and the sealed abstractions of Java...."

  • "...And the best part is that the entire lexically scoped and will only be available within the scope of the
    implicit definition function."


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About the Blogger

Eric Armstrong has been programming and writing professionally since before there were personal computers. His production experience includes artificial intelligence (AI) programs, system libraries, real-time programs, and business applications in a variety of languages. He works as a writer and software consultant in the San Francisco Bay Area. He wrote The JBuilder2 Bible and authored the Java/XML programming tutorial available at Eric is also involved in efforts to design knowledge-based collaboration systems.

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