

package mock

  1. Public
  2. All
  1. Concrete
  2. Abstract

Type Members

  1. trait EasyMockSugar extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides some basic syntax sugar for EasyMock.

  2. class JMockCycle extends AnyRef

    Class that wraps and manages the lifecycle of a single org.jmock.Mockery context object, provides some basic syntax sugar for using JMock in Scala.

  3. trait JMockCycleFixture extends AnyRef

    Trait that will pass a new JMockCycle into any test that needs one.

  4. class JMockExpectations extends Expectations

    Subclass of org.jmock.Expectations that provides withArg alternatives to the with methods defined in its superclass.

  5. trait MockitoSugar extends AnyRef

    Trait that provides some basic syntax sugar for Mockito.