Occasionally, you can describe the behavior of objects in state machine terms. For example, imagine an object that models the behavior of an extremely simple stamp dispenser described by these requirements:
Write control software for an automated stamp dispenser. The stamp dispenser accepts only nickels (5 cents) and dimes (10 cents) and dispenses only 20-cent stamps. The stamp dispenser's LED display indicates to the user the total amount of money inserted so far. As soon as 20 or more cents is inserted, a 20-cent stamp automatically dispenses along with any change. The only amounts the display shows, therefore, are 0, 5, 10, and 15 cents. If a dime and a nickel have been inserted, the display indicates 15 cents. If the user then inserts another dime, the stamp dispenser dispenses a 20-cent stamp, returns a nickel, and changes the display to show 0 cents. In addition to a coin slot, an opening for dispensing stamps and change, and an LED display, the stamp dispenser also has a coin return lever. When the user presses coin return, the stamp dispenser returns the amount of money indicated on the display, and changes the display to show 0 cents.
You could also describe the behavior of this simple stamp dispenser in terms of a state machine that has:
, HAS_5
, HAS_15
, add10
, returnCoins
, ret5
, ret15
A stamp dispenser's current state indicates
how much money has been inserted. If no money has been inserted,
the stamp dispenser is in HAS_0
state. If a nickel
has been inserted, the stamp dispenser is in HAS_5
and so on. No HAS_20
state appears in the list, because
as soon as 20 cents is inserted, a stamp is automatically issued
and any change is returned.
The three messages represent the actions a
stamp dispenser user can take: inserting a nickel (add5
inserting a dime (add10
), or pressing the coin return lever
). The four actions the stamp dispenser
can take are return a nickel (ret5
), return a dime
), return 15 cents (ret15
), or dispense
a 20 cent stamp (dispenseStamp
Figure 3-1. The stamp dispenser state-transition diagram
In HAS_0
, HAS_5
, HAS_10
and HAS_15
, is represented by a circle. The circle
labeled start
with an arrow pointing to the HAS_0
indicates the state machine's initial state is HAS_0
State transitions are shown by arrows between states. Each arrow
is labeled with the message that causes the transition and, if any
actions are required to accompany the state transistion, a forward
slash plus the required actions. For example, an arrow from HAS_10
is labeled add10/dispenseStamp
This arrow indicates that if an add10
message is received
while the state machine is in the HAS_10
state, the machine
should change to the HAS_0
state and perform the dispenseStamp
Last Updated: Sunday, May 11, 2003
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